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MASHnet is proudly part of The Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts

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The UK Network for Modelling & Simulation in Healthcare

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Showing 71 - 80 of 85 Members

Prof. David Seymour

Professor of Medicine (Care of the Elderly)
Dept. of Medicine and Therapeutics ( Univ. of Aberdeen )

Anne Shade

Simulation Consultant
Good Decision Partnership

Dr Chris Skelly

Brunel University, Institute for the Environment

Dr Honora Smith

Lecturer in Operational Research/Management Science
University of Southampton

Mr Jon Smith

Managing Director
Selective Analytics

Ms Jenny Stephany

Freelance Healthcare Adviser
Jenny Stephany Associates

Dr Paul Turner

Consultant in Public Health
Wigan Council

Prof Christos Vasilakis

Director of the Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement (CHI2)
School of Management, University of Bath

Dr Joe Viana

Research Fellow
University of Southampton, School of Social Science

Dr Julie Vile

Performance Analysis Manager
NHS Wales - Delivery Unit

Showing 71 - 80 of 85 Members

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