The focus of the workshop was to define an action plan as defined by the following aims:
- To identify the key issues and areas to be addressed in order to realise the effective implementation of more advanced analytical methods (such as operational research) within the NHS (according to the vision articulated in the Five Year Forward View document).
- To define a series of actions necessary to address these identified areas and develop an outline plan to take forward these actions including a structured time framework and identified individuals with agreed roles.
A survey report outlining the current context for operational research and advanced analytics was sent to delegates before the workshop. This also included the outputs from a questionnaire which delegates were invited to complete before attending. See Briefing Report.
The workshop started with a series of short presentations to lay out the landscape and outline the purpose of the day. We then divided into four groups and stepped through a series of key questions.
In the first session we looked at barriers and things that are not working currently, each group was asked to view issues from the standpoint of a different stakeholder group as follows:
Red Group: health service commissioners, providers, and decision makers. Green Group: Analysts and modellers. Orange Group: Local and Central Government. Blue Group: Other key stakeholder groups (as identified by the group)
In the second session (after lunch) based on the early outputs, the four groups were assigned an area of concern as below and asked to propose specific actions and solutions.
Red Group: Stimulating Demand. Green Group: Resources and Tools. Orange Group: Communication and Collaboration. Blue Group: Capacity and Capability
Finally, we came together and defined some initial specific actions which can be taken forward by the group .
An integration of the work groups outputs according to the classification tree below can be found here: Work Group Outputs

Each group facilitator has written up the outputs for the individual group sessions which can be viewed below
WHAT’S NOT WORKING (from perspective of specific stakeholders):
Local and Central Govt. focus / mindmap
Providers, Commissioners, Decision Makers
Analysts and Modellers
Other Stakeholder Groups
Communication and Collaboration / mindmap
Stimulating Demand
Tools and Resources
Building Capacity and Capability