MASHnet Workshop – Questionnaire Responses
Results from the MASHnet Questionnaire presented at the MASHnet workshop "Modelling and Simulation for a Changing NHS" 12 December 2010
MASHnet is proudly part of The Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts
Results from the MASHnet Questionnaire presented at the MASHnet workshop "Modelling and Simulation for a Changing NHS" 12 December 2010
At the MASHnet workshop held in London on 12 November 2010, delegates were asked to complete an individual questionnaire about the most effective way to advance the successful application of modelling and simulation techniques within the NHS. 55 questionnaires were collected from delegates.
Seven categories of activity based on previous workshops were rated for importance and then ranked in order according to the most effective at promoting better application of these approaches in healthcare.
The ratings for each category are given below showing that all of the identified activities are rated as important.
The order of importance for each category based on the average responses is given below: