System Model of Reablement Services
Developing a systems model to explore the impact of optimised reablement services for Social Care.
MASHnet is proudly part of The Association of Professional Healthcare Analysts
Developing a systems model to explore the impact of optimised reablement services for Social Care.
This model was developed as part of an Action Learning Set for reablement services across Wales that involved nine Authorities and therefore saw an ithink model embedded within a wider toolkit supporting networked learning. The model considers the impact of an optimised reablement service for a given local population and therefore provides an opportunity for reviewing local reablement services (in terms of both capacity and service model) in the context of the whole system.
The model was built using ithink software following a review of national evidence and local experience in implementing reablement services. The Action Learning Set of which the project was a part convened a working group that met on three occasions to define the key issues and develop the model framework with the assistance of the consultants.
The National Assembly for Wales had identified reablement services as a priority and had therefore asked the Social Services Improvement Agency to support Local Authorities in developing these services. The work continues to be promoted through the SSIA website as a key tool in reablement implementation across Wales.
After making the tool available on the SSIA website Authorities have been encouraged to adopt the workbook and modelling approach to refine their plans for the development and enhancement of reablement services.
We have worked with WSP over two years on our reablement work programme. Their approach ensured the full engagement of a number of Councils and facilitated consensus building. The specific work on the capacity modelling tool enabled Councils and their partners to understand systems modelling and how to apply it to the development of their service. The feedback from participating council has been very positive and importantly has helped them to better understand their service and the impact that specific changes would have. It has also helped them to better understand gaps in their current knowledge and led to data development actions as well as operational changes. The resulting refinement / improvement of their operating model has helped a number of participating councils to realise cashable and non cashable efficiencies. – Vicky Poole, Social Services Improvement Agency, Wales
A full report on the Reablement Framework Modelling Tool is available on request from Peter Lacey .
Social Services Improvement Agency, Wales
Whole Systems Partnership
Work undertaken between late 2008 and early 2010
Peter Lacey
peter.lacey [at]