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National Dementia Strategy Model

A systems model to support the implementation of the National Dementia Strategy in a given locality.


To support local partners in exploring the impact of implementing the National Dementia Strategy where the impact of priority interventions are seen in both capacity requirements and costs/benefits across the whole system. Model outputs are provided for a range of alternative locally determined scenarios for different parts of the system. Local Authority and Health costs and benefits are identified both separately and together over the medium and longer term.


The model was built using ithink software using an innovative and distinctive demographic ‘hub’ developed exclusively by WSP that simulates the expected incidence and prevalence of dementia for a given population and enables calibration to an initial dementia diagnosis gap, i.e. the difference between expected prevalence and numbers of people on a local GP dementia register. An excel link provides an input that can be specified to any local demographic profile.

The model interface enables people to explore different scenarios in the areas identified in the model purpose above with outputs being provided as both cost and capacity estimates over time.

The model is based on extensive research and engagement with several Local Authority and Health partnerships. In each case an iterative process of client engagement has been undertaken to define and then develop the model structure, inputs and outputs.


The coalition government has re-emphasised its commitment to supporting the implementation of the National Dementia Strategy. The results of the work, in the form of a generic framework model for a typical 400,000 population, have therefore been made available to any Local Authority requesting one – to date approximately 100 people have been provided with this model on an auto-run CD.


I am using your Whole Systems Modelling report to help me in writing the business case for implementing the local dementia strategy. Can I first say how fantastic I have found the report. It is very clear and easy to understand, and really does provide all the info I need to work on my write up.  – NHS Brighton and Hove

Further Information

A full report on the dementia Framework Modelling Tool is available on request from Peter Lacey .


Various clients, including North East Lincolnshire Care Trust Plus and the Sussex Dementia Partnership.


Whole Systems Partnership

Key Dates

Work undertaken between late 2008 and early 2011

Contact Person

Peter Lacey

Contact Email



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